Chris Fisher
Senior Pastor
Chris is a husband to his wife Donna and father to his Children Nicole, Ramon & Jarrod. Chris is the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Albany. Chris was born and raised in Albany and he has a passion to see revival in Gods people and this great city of Albany and beyond.

Steve Fisher
Worship / Assistant Pastor
Steve is a husband to his beautiful wife Sarah and a father to his four boys , Kalebh, Jayden, Brody & Connor. Steve loves music and play's guitar and sings. He also love going to the beach as much as possible !

Martin Long
Missions / CalvaryKIDS Pastor
Martin is a husband to his beautiful wife Natasha and a father to his daughter Katia. Martin has a passion to see children flourish in their relationship with Jesus.

Jim Blunsden
Jim is a husband to his wife Moya . Jim heads up the Mens Ministry and is an Elder at Calvary Chapel Albany. Jims passion is prayer and serving the body of Christ. If you come along to Calvary one Sunday morning make sure you say hi !

Rod Pfeiffer
Rod is a husband to his wife Trish and father to his Children Kim, Ashlyn & Jayden. Rod serves as an Elder at Calvary Chapel he has a passion to see people grow in Christ and serves in a practical ministry of managing the local Foodbank agency which supplies food to those who need it .

Russ Hunt
Teaching / Home Groups Pastor
Russ is a husband to his wife Jen and father to his daughter Jessamy. Russ has a passion to teach the Word of God and to see the church family grow in community. If you want to get involved in a home group please contact Russ. He would be more than happy to get you connected.
Kalebh Fisher
Youth Pastor
Kalebh heads up our youth ministry here at Calvary. Kalebh loves to reach young people for Jesus. Kalebh has a passion to teach the Word and to help young people understand it and know Jesus !

Sam Blechynden
Young Adults Pastor
Sam is a husband to his wife Laura and father to his daughter Maria. Sam serves as the Young Adults Pastor at Calvary. Under his leadership our young adults ministry has grown in size and maturity. Please contact Sam if you would like more information !
Glenn Richardson
Media Pastor
Glen is husband to his wife Jenelle and father to his son Elijah. Glenn came to Calvary Chapel Albany after connecting online in the USA. He then connected into our media ministry where now he uses his skills to reach others for Jesus thru our online live stream ministry.