How it all started...
Calvary Chapel Albany was started in 1995 by Pastor Chris and His Wife Donna with the help of Steve & Sarah Fisher. Its was birth out of a need to see a Bible Teaching Ministry in the city of Albany. Calvary has always had alot of young families but as Calvary has grown in the community it now has a very healthy balance of different age people all worshipping and fellowshipping together serving Jesus.

Expanding the vision...
As a Church we continue to seek God's guidance in prayer. God has been faithful as we continue to grow in number and in His love. As we move forward in Him we know He will supply all our needs as we extend our reach into our community and to this great nation and the world.
Where we are headed...
We are staying the course ! Our plans are not always Gods plans. So we remain open to the Holy Spirit to move in our lives so we can reach people with the love of Christ. We will continue to teach the Bible in simplicity and truth. We will love one another as this is how the world will know we are His.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 10 am.